I am just your friendly neighborhood macrame artist! I stay as active as possible in my community by attending and participating in craft fairs, supporting small local businesses, and donating to local causes.
My background in the fiber arts goes all the way back to my early childhood. Any time I went to visit my grandmother, (starting around age 4) she always had a project waiting for me. She showed me how to hand sew clothes for my dolls, then a little later she taught me how to use her sewing machine. She kept dozens of cross stitching patterns and that was my favorite activity to do when I was with her. When I was a teenager we built many quilts together and I became a lot more comfortable with sewing machines and sergers.
In high school, I explored a just about every artistic medium that was offered to me in my art classes. I was passionate about art and wanted to figure out how to make my living revolving around it!
I am beyond proud of my crafting skill level, customer service and ability to adapt to challenges. The support of my customers, family and friends has been overwhelming and I wouldn't be here without YOU. Thank you!

I was discouraged by my parents, teachers, counselors and mentors to follow a career path in the arts because, to them, it seemed that I would not find success. After high school, I held many different jobs. I struggled for a decade to figure out where I belong in the work-force since nothing seemed to fit. It wasn't until I had a child, and was given the opportunity to stay home, that I was able to start dabbling in the arts again. I painted for a couple years until one fateful day in 2018 that I saw something called macrame jewelry. I bought myself string (the worst kind to work with for macrame because I had no idea what I was doing) and got to practicing my knots! I find that I can truly express myself and am able to use so much imagination in this craft.